Monday, November 10, 2008

Today Im just trying to figure this whole blogging thing out. I think I went on this site a dozen times to try to start with whatever Im suppose to start with. I guess Im getting a little further everyday, today Im actually writting but not sure where it is going to show up so we will see. I have the kids acting crazy around me so not sure if my words are actually coming out what Im thinking. Nic and Cas are playing dress up and I should be running for a camera because its actually pretty funny. Nic is dressed like a train/business man and Cassidy is a princess/grocery shopper. My dad is here visiting and just waiting for Jack and him to get back from errands which not sure what they were doing. All of us went to the train museum yesterday and thought it was really neat. I got a lot of great pictures with my dad and the kids to go in the memory book. Its been nice having him here the kids will miss him when he leaves. Thanks for reading it and we will do more soon.


Unknown said...

Hey Laurie-

So glad you are doing this. I wish ALL of the family would doing this so we could keep up with one another. Even if it was only monthly to start. I love you so much and am so proud to have you for a niece. Keep up the good work.

Love Aunt D

sommers said...

So glad you had quality time - photographs are nice but memories are a pixel in our minds - an image that is ever so present