Friday, January 30, 2009

Here's looking at you babe!

Hudson, Hadley, (Cousins)Nic and Cassidy watching Polar Express in 3D
Cassidy is half human half frog

Cassidy and Hadley (Cousin) playing dress up

This might be a long one...hope you have some time. First let me tell you, I just had a great visit with my cousin and her family this last week. It's nice that we live within driving distance from them (well, 4hr. away) . It's great to see them whenever possible. Now, it seems so quiet since they left with their 3 children. It was fun watching 5 kids running crazy around the house. We did arrange for 2 babysitters so we could get some adult time. Also, we headed to the bounce place to release some of the kids' energy. It was a fun cousin and I even got to go to a movie...I have a very funny story to tell about it. Sorry if you heard this already, just skip the rest of this post. First, let me say that we went to this little theater. When we walked into the seating area there was like 40 chairs which where a pretty full, except the two near the wall. Jenny goes in first and puts me next to the older chubby man and just waited for the movie to start. We talked about getting popcorn and she says she will run out to get it. As she tries to pass the older, chubby man..he says, "Here take my popcorn and get a refill" . She says, "No that's ok" as she squeezes by. Well, the man kept insisting that you get free refills on popcorn so why go pay for it? So what does my cousin do? She takes the mans red popcoran bag. (This might be one of those stories that is funnier if you were there...Im still laughing about it) . The movie starts and the man is commenting about how movie and a popcorn is so expensive so if we can get it for free why not. I'm laughing and thankfull that its a comedy movie so the man won't know that it's him I'm laughing at. When my cousin comes back, I wanted to ask what she did... but I thought it would be a dumb question. So , when she came back with the fresh bag of popcorn and sat down, I just looked at her and she assured me it was OK and started eating. It was about half way through the movie and half of bag of popcorn later when I tasted the popcorn and it didn't taste the same. I looked over and said, "This is tasting different". My cousin was laughing so hard and at that moment without words being exchanged I knew.......this is the older mans bag! Oh yes, I didn't belive it either. My cousin didn't put butter on the popcorn so when we reached the spot where he ended it was all butter and salty. Jenny didn't want the man to see that she got a new bag, she didn't want to hurt his feelings (she has such a big heart). She was too nervous to come back with anything different. I know you probably thinking.. why didn't you do this or that?...Trust me, I had many questions but in the end all I know is that I ate the older stinky man with the bandaid on his finger popcorn and I felt sick. Not sure if this even came close to the real experience but I thought I would share since who would ever hear a story about a person sharing their popcorn with a stranger at the movies.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Nic's school called a snow day today, just thought I would send you a picture of what "today" looks like....gotta love the south!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Frank and Mary (Jack's sister and brother-in-law)

Liz (Best Friend) and me at the movies

Caiden and Kierson (Liz's boys)

Nic, Cassidy, Sam (our Nephew), Jack's Parents

Laurie's Crazy Family

Just want to say how much fun we all had in Wisconsin, it was nice to be with family and friends again...we've been a little loney. It's funny how you can take all the people around you for granted when you live by them, but when you leave- there is that missing in your heart that you cannot replace. Treasure what you have when you have it....that's what I did when I went home. I'm blessed to have such wonderful people around and hope they know how much they are loved.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Went from this to that! All of us had a truely white Christmas. Happy New Year to everyone.