Monday, December 1, 2008

Hope every one's Thanksgiving Day went well, we had an excellent time with Carla and Dave visiting. I made way too much food but it lasted us all week. Jack was very proud of his Turkey, (always scared those feathers will come out again for the holidays). We had a babysitter come for some time each day so we could enjoy some of North Carolina's sites. Grand Father Mountain was our first stop for the weekend and there were some beautiful views. Jack and Carla missed out on amazing cliff side views (since they are scared of heights). You can see from the pictures I was literally on the edge of the cliff. Saturday, we thought we would tour local winery's around and catch some great views. Nic got pretty sick while they were here with cough and fever so we were dealing with no sleep each night. Took him into the doctor to find out he has Bronchitis and Sinus infection so we had to keep him home from school today and we will see what tonight/tomorrow brings. Always something going on preventing us from sleeping through the night lets just hope it will end soon. Carla and Dave are not going to miss the puking/coughing/crying issues but we all will certainly miss them! We are so blessed to have family and friends that are willing to visit us, our hearts are so happy and blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives.

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