Sunday, December 27, 2009

Cassidy and cousin Hadley at Fourth of July parade.

Cassidyat a friend's birthday party.

Nic and Cassidy at the zoo.
Hello to all who still stop by and check in, hope you had a great Christmas. We all stayed home for the holidays so it was a big change this year. It was nice to wake up to the kids so excited to go downstairs to see what Santa left them. Our area did get snow (only a few inches) but we got snow during Christmas which was nice to see. Our weather is warmer back to 50's, it's so nice not dealing with ice and sleet......were so spoiled now. It was fun now Cassidy is older to see the joy of the Christmas season and watch presents being opened how happy the kids were. Also, just knowing how blessed we are as a family that we have all that we have. Hope all our friends and family feel the same.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Nic's first day of 1st grade.

Cassidy's first week of preschool they celebrated her birthday.

Cassidy picked out frosted sugar cookies for her birthday treat, she was so excited for this day. It's all about nutrition as you can see. Hi-C juice, sugar cookies, and of course Frito chips what more could a kid ask for.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Spending the day at the zoo with cousins......I miss Milwaukee's zoo!

Cassidy with auntie Carina.

On the train, Carina, Cassdiy, Nic and Travis.
This is my last post for the day, but now I wrote these all backwards. I ended up doing a total of I think 3 posts tonight so I could catch up. Not even sure if anyone is looking at these any more especially that it's been awhile. Well hopefully I will be back on track.

From left to right: Travis (Carina's son), Cassidy with my sister Carla, dad in the back, my other sister Carina, her other son Brant, and last but not least my boy Nic.

Celebrating Cassidy's birthday with my family here. It's always fun when you can catch there blow face. Happy 3rd Birthday Cass!

Cassidy was making a very special grass pie for her auntie Carina.

Look at this, you don't see to many pictures of me in this blog.

Cassidy, my sister Carina, and my aunt Annette get a cute photo together.
I just wanted to get my Wisconsin trip pictures done so I figured I would add a few more posts.
Cassidy sitting by the fire or should I say far away from the fire with her pet.

Nic enjoying the camp fires that Nonno made, especially when Smore fixings were around.

Cassidy reading her birhtday card, we celebrated at Jack's parents house with his family.

Nic and Uncle Frank.....that's Nic's idol, he knows every super hero and movie that any kid would want to know or see.

Cassidy and her aunt Mary (Mimi), I love this picture, you can see the love.
Your going to have to look down a little farther since I posted a couple on the same day so this will be my second post tonight. I thought I might as well try to catch up for lost time. Another thing I can cross off on my to do list!
Nic and his grandpa (Nonno)

Look at those eyes, they match his shirt.

It was peach picking day and the kids had so much fun Cassidy's with her aunt mimi and grandma (Nonna).

My little mexican, he worked for food that day. I bet all you up North wish it was that warm today.

Last but not least, my dad's new ride. Nic thought it was a go cart, thought he was so cool that grandpa let him drive . I wasn't sure who was going to fall off first Cassidy or my dad, Nic went over hills, grass, turned way to sharp corners.......I just didn't look. In the end everyone was safe and had a great time riding, "The Little Rascal".

I just looked at my last entry date and it was in b, I guess I fell a little behind. Well the main thing is that I came back right. So I have to go by where I left off and that was in Wisconsin this
last August so the pictures are a few months old but there was some really cute ones that I wanted to share. Let's all keep our fingers crossed on me updating this a little more than once a month.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Nonna (Grandma) and Nic in Wisconsin
Nonno and kids helping out with the garden.

Uncle Ron with Nic at the Wisconsin State Fair

Liz, Cassidy, and Caiden hanging in Wisconsin.
These are some of the pics from when we went to Wisconsin about a month ago now. I have some more to post but only could do a few at a time. It was nice to go back to the ice land when it was summer for a change so we could actually enjoy the outside. Our stay went fast and already miss just waiting to see who comes to visit us.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Jack's decorated a cake for him.
Last pictures at the pool before it closes for the year.

Cassidy wearing her princess dress Jen bought her.
I have tried a few times to get pictures on here it something just happens where it shuts down, I really think it's a sign telling me to stop. Not even to sure if anyone looks at this anymore with facebook so popular now I think this site might be left in the dust. Well I tempted to try again and got pictures to work so here some are but again I'm still behind. I will promise I will be caught up by the end up the week with up to date posts and pictures so I can start writing about the greatest and latest. So stay tuned..........

Monday, August 31, 2009

Our vacation to the Beach in Florida.

Cassidy's looking out of my mom's lake house window and sees........

I have been very behind on keeping up with this. I think I say that each time I write in but this time I feel like I really fell behind. Summer really went by fast, trying to get vacations in and enjoy the outside with the kids, now it's over. I tried two times to download some pictures to this blog and then it froze up or something so I was about to say forget this blog thing for good just the other day but my bestest old friend pushed me through it. Now here I am still typing away. The trip above is when we went to visit my mom and Harry down in Florida for a week and half after school let out. Took a few days at the beach which was Cassidy's first time and of course she loved it. It's nice as she is getting older things can get a LITTLE more enjoyable. All of us have been really loving the weather and the pool (kids) so we are out all the time. Kids are growing so fast, time really does go by. Wow, can't believe I'm saying that.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Cassidy and her friend Ava
Now that Cassidy is getting older she is loving to play dress up. Anytime she can find someone to concur the world with and fight enemies or dance around like a ballerina she is happy. The above picture is her friend that she has her playgroups with and sees most often, you can see the love they have for each other. Nic is in summer camp for three more days and it's over for the that went fast. I was so worried about him being bored while schools out, I think he had one or two friends over since then. We just were not around! Don't feel bad for him though he has had a great time at camp. They take him swimming, to the park, in the gym, and where ever else they go so he is with kids all the time. Then we try to go swimming after dinner at our pool at night so he can see some of the neighborhood kids if there up there so he is having a good summer. Now the countdown to leave for Wisconsin...6 days! Always on the go, when does the madness stop.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Nic and saucey mouth.

Nic showing his stiches

After he came home from getting his stiches out.
The pictures I posted here were when Nic had his first real injury and needed stitches. We all had taken a visit to my cousins house and the boys were playing...Nic turned around not paying attention and went right into the corner of there baby crib. The cut was just deep enough for us to take him in and get I think it was 5 stitches. Jack was nervous and Nic was very brave he didn't even cry through the process. Then when it was time to get them pulled out I had Cassidy with me thought it would be a disaster. Nic laid on the table,crossed his legs, and said he was fine when asked how he was doing. The nurses even laughed for how calm he was so I was very proud. Now we are just waiting for his hair to grow back and it will be an old memory.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Cassidy and Larson

Cassidy and Larson