Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Nonna (Grandma) and Nic in Wisconsin
Nonno and kids helping out with the garden.

Uncle Ron with Nic at the Wisconsin State Fair

Liz, Cassidy, and Caiden hanging in Wisconsin.
These are some of the pics from when we went to Wisconsin about a month ago now. I have some more to post but only could do a few at a time. It was nice to go back to the ice land when it was summer for a change so we could actually enjoy the outside. Our stay went fast and already miss just waiting to see who comes to visit us.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Jack's decorated a cake for him.
Last pictures at the pool before it closes for the year.

Cassidy wearing her princess dress Jen bought her.
I have tried a few times to get pictures on here it something just happens where it shuts down, I really think it's a sign telling me to stop. Not even to sure if anyone looks at this anymore with facebook so popular now I think this site might be left in the dust. Well I tempted to try again and got pictures to work so here some are but again I'm still behind. I will promise I will be caught up by the end up the week with up to date posts and pictures so I can start writing about the greatest and latest. So stay tuned..........